Sunday, September 12, 2010

An introduction

“I would like, if I may, to take you on a strange journey.” Can't help humming. “Michael Rennie was ill the day the earth stood still, but he told us where to stand...” Oh. No. Wait. Wrong journey.

Conventions, the new frontier. These are the travels of the fandragon Faraday. My multi-year mission? To explore strange new events, to seek out new life and new civilizations, to boldly go where no fandragon has gone before. Well, to boldly go where this fandragon hasn't gone before, anyway. And we all have to start somewhere...

Here's my start: fabric on a sewing table and loose batting. Yes, I know how weird that sounds, but it's My story. I don't remember much of my early life, no real consciousness until recently, but I do remember Julie of Mythical Creations ( I remember Julie, because she turned me from fabric and batting into the lovable dragon you see before you.

Me (adorable, ain't I?)

I believe I mentioned being a fandragon. Yes, well, what can I say...? This is where my consciousness began to develop. Mythical Creations was a vendor at a convention, conveniently called Geek.Kon, and submitted me to the charity auction. I watched the conventioneers go by for fair bit of time. (I'm not sure of the specifics, as I'm a young dragon. I don't know, yet, how to measure time. But I'm learning.) With no bids, the convention officials moved me to a more visible location. There, my brilliant coloring and handsome form attracted the eyes of a few attendees.

It was a pair of women, sisters, who won me. CJ is my photographer and Jac is my voice...and typist. (So if there's any spelling errors, take it up with her.) They're also my friends and con buddies. But this is about me, not them.

-cough, blink, blink-

Though without them I would not be able to have my journeys, nor share them with all of you. Happy, Jac?

-yes, thank you-

You're welcome. Now where was I?

Oh, yes. As their new con companion, I spent my first night in our hotel room. Alone. The girls abandoned me for room parties.

-blink, abandoned? blink-

Yes, abandoned. It didn't occur to you that I might have enjoyed Daisho Con's mini rave? Or watching Robot Chicken with Odd Con? I could have played Mario Kart with Kitsune Kon. Should I mention Geek.Kon's rave party? With the glow sticks?

-hrm, we brought you glow sticks, one blue and one green. And breakfast. We bought you breakfast-

And what a breakfast it was (mmmm bacon...). I also got to play with CJ's camera.

I did enjoy that. (The lens is bigger than me!) I guess that makes up for missing Geek.Kon's rave and all the room parties. And they did take me to Geek.Kon after breakfast, as a conventioneer, thus starting my journey as a fandragon.

And there you have it. I'm Faraday, and this has been my introduction. Watch for my next post: Geek.Kon review. Featuring new pictures of Me. (And a few pictures I took when I got to play with that Canon.) But mostly pictures of Me.

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