Monday, September 20, 2010

Tales from the Farm: Parts run

You can make a small fortune in farming - provided you start with a large one."
- Unknown

Sakes alive, I would love to meet the person who said that. Because whoever it was, they weren't a-kidding. (Do you like my farmer accent?)  My latest adventure taught me that lesson, and one about working smarter, not harder.

The day started out pretty normal, at least as normal as a day around here can be. CJ was flipping through her web comics and Jac was watching the Los Angeles morning news (don't ask.)  Right about then, our neighbor drops in and asks a favor: Can we run up to a tractor parts store in another county and pick up a part? Seems everything was “running backwards,” so he didn't have time to go himself.  I jumped at the chance as I knew it would give me face time with Maneki Neko. The girls took a little more convincing, but they eventually agreed. As it was also an opportunity for more stunning pictures of magnificent me, I suggested CJ bring her Canon.

Traveling north on Highway V

Wave to the camera, Love

The rest of the trip was uneventful.

-blink,blink, you're blushing-

I am NOT blushing. Dragons don't blush. Besides, I got left in the car while you went in to get the part. Ergo, the trip was uneventful.

Though I did see some very lovely fall mums. CJ was too busy knitting to take a picture of them. But she gave me a sip of her Cherry soda. (The bubbles tickled my snout.) We arrived back in our borough just in time to deliver the part. And the bill. $60 for that little plug between my paws. Can you believe it?

Delivery, dude
“One more favor, if you please.” Only too happy to help, I say. (I've got to keep my mouth shut from now on). “Unload that hay wagon, would ya?” Sure, I say. I didn't realize how big those bales were until Jac helped me up into the wagon and CJ got the lens focused.


I've got it... Don't got it. It's got me.

Hard work does have it's rewards though...

Don't let Maneki Neko see this
I got to kitten-sit while the girls finished unloading the wagon. Wasn't too bad, until I got surrounded.

Hey, watch it back there!

Wait, what are you....? -sniff-
At last, the job was done, the part delivered. We got home, had mac & cheese, and collapsed. I learned why Jac likes those Cosequin buckets... (I'm not going to post my bath pictures. You pervs....) But I will be plotting and planning my next adventure. 

Until then, I'm Faraday and this was my first parts run. Keep watching for my next post. It will be shiny. It will be snazzy. It will contain shaggy-ya Arabs. I get to ride a horse! (If it ever stops raining.) TTFN.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010


Confucius say: A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. Or in my case, a beeping alarm clock. 8:00 A.M. It's the last day of Geek.Kon, and having spent the two previous days watching from the auction, today I get to be an attendee.(My girls are awesome.) After packing suitcases and getting dressed, we checked out of the hotel. The drive to the Kon was a short one, but still eventful. The girls felt bad for leaving me behind the night before (when they went to the room parties and a rave), so they made it up to me. CJ let me use her camera and I just had to test it out on Jac's lucky car cat. (Isn't she a cutie?)

Hellooo Kitty!

When we arrived at the Kon, we discovered that it had compressed as it seems there was another event happening in the hotel that day. But all was good. The girls hadn't had breakfast yet, so, on my suggestion, we checked out the hotel cafe. (See my last post for the bacony goodness.) We were trying to decide what to do next, so I took an opportunity to peruse the program. (CJ thought this was a good photo op.)

Proof I was there

I found stuff to do

Jac decided she needed to spend more money, so off we went to the Vendor's room. And we found stuff. And more opportunities for my mad Canon skills.

I just love all the bright colors..

What did Jac need more of?

Nuff said.

My silly girl then challenged me to a game. (No one ever told her not to bet against a Dragon.) Jac started out well enough.

She's good with Talim

But in the end, I wiped the floor with her.

Nightmare rules!

Then we decided to watch some anime. One Piece made CJ's brain melt. The Nerima Daikon Brothers made Jac's brain melt. Galaxy Railways didn't make anyone's brain melt.

No brain goo in this theater

Our show ended way before the next panel began, so in an effort to kill a little time, Jac suggested another game. (I was so thrilled to be a part of everything, I didn't want to tell her she would lose again. So I didn't) There were so many games to choose from. I had never played any of them before so I let Jac pick.

Overheard at Kon: “What games can you recommend for a Dragon?”

She chose Risk

She's good

But I'm better

I was very curious about all the bright colors and fancy garments that walked past us in the hall. When I asked the girls about it, they just said “Cosplay,” and took me to a panel about dissecting costumes.

Dude's got swords on his back!

Our day wrapped up pretty quick after the panel. Someone must have cranked the A/C, because the hotel suddenly got a little chilly. CJ's weather predicting knee was getting the better of her and we still had a two hour drive to my new home. And as I am a young Dragon, and it was a busy day for me, I slept for the entire trip.

Overall, I had a blast. And from what I've overheard from the girls, so did they. Seems we'll be doing this again, only next time I will have brightly colored bits of garments. Perhaps I will even attempt entry in the Masquerade. I mean, if a tortoise can enter dressed as Discworld, why can't I dress up and enter?

And there you have it. I'm Faraday, and this has been my review of Geek.Kon 2010. Watch for my next post. It'll have thrills! It'll have chills! It'll have a sticky floor from where some kid spilled soda pop! Coming soon to a blog spot near you.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

An introduction

“I would like, if I may, to take you on a strange journey.” Can't help humming. “Michael Rennie was ill the day the earth stood still, but he told us where to stand...” Oh. No. Wait. Wrong journey.

Conventions, the new frontier. These are the travels of the fandragon Faraday. My multi-year mission? To explore strange new events, to seek out new life and new civilizations, to boldly go where no fandragon has gone before. Well, to boldly go where this fandragon hasn't gone before, anyway. And we all have to start somewhere...

Here's my start: fabric on a sewing table and loose batting. Yes, I know how weird that sounds, but it's My story. I don't remember much of my early life, no real consciousness until recently, but I do remember Julie of Mythical Creations ( I remember Julie, because she turned me from fabric and batting into the lovable dragon you see before you.

Me (adorable, ain't I?)

I believe I mentioned being a fandragon. Yes, well, what can I say...? This is where my consciousness began to develop. Mythical Creations was a vendor at a convention, conveniently called Geek.Kon, and submitted me to the charity auction. I watched the conventioneers go by for fair bit of time. (I'm not sure of the specifics, as I'm a young dragon. I don't know, yet, how to measure time. But I'm learning.) With no bids, the convention officials moved me to a more visible location. There, my brilliant coloring and handsome form attracted the eyes of a few attendees.

It was a pair of women, sisters, who won me. CJ is my photographer and Jac is my voice...and typist. (So if there's any spelling errors, take it up with her.) They're also my friends and con buddies. But this is about me, not them.

-cough, blink, blink-

Though without them I would not be able to have my journeys, nor share them with all of you. Happy, Jac?

-yes, thank you-

You're welcome. Now where was I?

Oh, yes. As their new con companion, I spent my first night in our hotel room. Alone. The girls abandoned me for room parties.

-blink, abandoned? blink-

Yes, abandoned. It didn't occur to you that I might have enjoyed Daisho Con's mini rave? Or watching Robot Chicken with Odd Con? I could have played Mario Kart with Kitsune Kon. Should I mention Geek.Kon's rave party? With the glow sticks?

-hrm, we brought you glow sticks, one blue and one green. And breakfast. We bought you breakfast-

And what a breakfast it was (mmmm bacon...). I also got to play with CJ's camera.

I did enjoy that. (The lens is bigger than me!) I guess that makes up for missing Geek.Kon's rave and all the room parties. And they did take me to Geek.Kon after breakfast, as a conventioneer, thus starting my journey as a fandragon.

And there you have it. I'm Faraday, and this has been my introduction. Watch for my next post: Geek.Kon review. Featuring new pictures of Me. (And a few pictures I took when I got to play with that Canon.) But mostly pictures of Me.